Now that I'm almost finished with my first trimester, I thought I would share the trials and tribulations which are pretty funny (well now they are, ask me a few weeks ago and I would have thrown something at you).
Weeks 1-4 - didn't know I was prego, so I felt GREAT!!! Except for the slight twinge of nausea that lasted a few minutes... I thought it was weird but blamed it on my lunch.
Week 5 - (April 18th) found out we are expecting! The entire week was one emotional roller coaster. I happy cried because I was excited to be a mom, I scared cried because I knew I would have to go through labor, and I worried cried because I didn't want the baby to come out with three eyes and 8 arms. Other than the crying, I was also really really tired, I think I slept the entire weekend.
Week 6 - the fun begins...we got the positive test result from my doctor that we are indeed prego!
I had planned a four day weekend a while back to be productive and finish painting the kitchen, wash windows, etc... however that Saturday night my plans changed... during the day we went to the Parkville Brew Fest for a couple of hours with some friends. I felt okay even though it was pretty warm, that night as I took my makeup off, I noticed that my face was bright red and was starting to swell. That swelling didn't stop and neither did the redness or the extreme heat coming off my face. Needless to say I looked like the humans from Wall-E. The swelling lasted two days, nausea and hives came on the third day.
Once back to work, I looked and felt like crap. I didn't want to eat anything and wearing makeup was not on my list of priorities.
Week 7 - My face has great color by this point, but my nausea has really set in and so has the bloating. I felt like someone had punched me in the throat and stomach. One day in particular is pretty entertaining... now. I had to leave work early due to the nausea. I picked Boone up from his daycare, it was really hot that day so I thought taking him to daycare would be better than staying outside... not so much. As soon as we got home, Boone puked in the backed yard a couple of times and I thought I was going to puke from not feeling good and watching him puke.
Once I got him inside, we went straight to bed... when Kwille got home, he walked into the bedroom and said: "What's wrong with you two?", Boone and I were both looking pretty pitiful at this point, Kwille shook his head and went to the living room. Boone and I didn't move much the rest of the evening.
For those of you who have ridden with me while I've been driving, I officially apologize for any discomfort I may have caused you over the years. My driving makes me sick... literally.
By this time I have also stopped making plans with anyone... when I go shopping, I usually have to come home early because I'm sick. One day I hope to start and finish a shopping trip with no interruptions.
Week 8 - I was home every other day with nausea, thankfully working from home was an option. While at home I frequented TLC and watched "A Baby Story" and the other labor shows, and "16 and Pregnant" on MTV to kind of get a feel for what I'm going to go through. Those shows really don't help, they make me queasy and scared... kind of like watching a horror movie. I also caught a few episodes of "I didn't know I was pregnant" okay, I understand that some very small percentage of women actually have this happen to them, but come on really? I feel like total crap how the heck can someone not know something is up is with them until they go into labor?
I was also sleeping in the guest room at this point. I love the mattress in there and being able to sleep in the middle of the bed was wonderful since my bloating belly felt like it was sticking five feet out in front of me.
Kwille slept in the guest room one night... for some reason my body decided that it wanted to overheat, so all night I couldn't sleep or get comfortable unless I took a cold shower... I showered a couple of times that night.
The emotional roller coaster came back (well it actually never left), but I found myself crying at the end of The Little Mermaid. Kwille caught me tearing up and said "Are you actually crying?".
Week 9 - Took Kwille to our first doctor visit... poor guy had to sit through the pelvic exam and everything. But it was worth it because we got to hear the heart beat!! I couldn't look at Kwille during this because the tears would start rolling, so I stared at the ceiling. Kwille said he just sat there and smiled. He said he actually thinks this whole pregnancy thing is REAL now.
This week I've been able to stay at work 3 out of the 5 days, on those days I have been at work, I've been taking afternoon naps in my car in the parking garage... nothing beats taking off your shoes and unzipping your pants to take a 30 minute nap.
Week 10 - As the nausea continued, my brother, who is so excited about becoming an uncle took care of me one night while Kwile was gone. He asked me what I wanted for dinner, I said Chinese (which in pregnant terms means just rice). To my surprise he actually showed with the rice, his fiance, and Disney movies.
My brother, being excited about the baby actually wants to be called Uncle Bootsie instead Uncle A, weird but actually very cute and funny.
For the first time in weeks I was able to eat an entire meal and not get nauseous or become bloated! Over Memorial Day weekend, my grandparents had a BBQ with all sorts of rich foods and homemade vanilla ice cream. Since my pregnancy, this has been the best meal EVER! I'm so thankful, Baby Williams let me enjoy homemade corn casserole, mac n cheese, BBQ beans, and ice cream.
This week also marks the beginning of thickening around my belly... or it could just be the bloating... either way I decided to stop buttoning my pants and dawned the belly band which is much more comfortable.
Week 11 - The nausea and bloating are becoming less of an every two hour thing and more of an every other day thing which is nice. Kwille is able to come home and find dinner on the table instead of me and Boone lying in bed. My sporadic energy bursts are allowing me to get things done around the house!
Okay so I spoke way too soon in that above paragraph. I had a bad day on Wednesday and only made to work for a whooping 1 hour, the rest of the day was spent in bed.
Week 12 - At 12 weeks, I'm starting to show! I have absolutely no waist so the baby has no where to go but out.
Sleeping has been a problem, last night I woke up with weird feelings in my stomach, no nausea or bloating just weirdness. It felt like things where shifting and moving around... in my insomnia, I pictured my insides moving like the buildings in the movie Inception, and the baby was floating around like Joseph Gordon Levitt in the hallway scene.
Speaking of dreams, I've had some weird ones. None of them have been about the baby, just random weird stuff. The scariest dream I had was about a Great White Shark. I've always been afraid, ever since I was 4 or 5 when I snuck down the hallway and caught a glimpse of the movie my parents were watching... Jaws, I should have known there was a reason my parents wouldn't let me watch it.
Having a pool growing up I believed Jaws lived in the deep end, I never, ever swam in the deep end by myself. What does a kid with a crazy fear of sharks living in a pool do... she joins the high school dive team her freshman year. I loved diving, I'm sure I broke some records for getting out of the pool the fastest. I'm sure my teammates thought I was a weirdo. Anyways back to the dream, I was in an aquatic center and this pool was huge, it had some boats in it and a ton of great whites. Anyway, people where giving tours in the pool, the tours consisted of going out on these boats and throwing bait in the air and watching the sharks catch the bait. I got on the boat, watched a couple sharks catch food in the air and then a great white came after me, the boat was moving to the end of the pool and I quickly jumped off the boat and onto the aquatic center floor, all of the sudden a great white jumped out of the water onto the floor, it mouth was completely open and it was growling at me... luckily I woke up before I was eaten.
Sounds like it has been a crazy (almost) 3 months! Call if you want to chat and we'll have to get together when you're past all the nausea and exhaustion.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, I feel the pain with you!!!