August 27, 2010

The Day I Became Kwille's Wife

One year ago, on Sunday, August 30th, 2009 I officially became Kwille's wife.  We were married on Smathers Beach in Key West.
It's hard to believe a year has gone by already, and to think it all started back on February 13, 2008 when I finally met Kwille in person on our very first date. We had been in touch through the phone and emails and I had one photo of Kwille.

Here is that photo:

Our first date was great and we ended up having four dates right after another for the first week.   

I recently asked Kwille what surprised him about me when he first met me...

Kwille: Well, I was surprised at how short you were.

My response: Are you serious?

Kwille: Well you are really short. (long pause) What surprised you about me?

My response: That your picture did not do you justice and you were really cute. Your picture reminded me of the guy from Six Feet Under... good looking guy but you're much cuter.

Kwille: (says nothing, just smiles)

I really did think he looked like Eric Balfour!

Anyways, it all started with that first date and we've been inseparable ever since. Our first year of marriage has been an interesting one: we got our love child, Boone, we learned how to live with each other (that makes me laugh because living with your husband is not the same as living with a roommate during college!), and we began remodeling parts of our home (we are still working on our kitchen, but we will get it done someday). We also took our first trip to Europe, we went to Ireland and did a self-drive tour through Dublin and the southern part of Ireland. 

It's been a great first year and I'm very blessed to have Kwille in my life. I look forward to many, many, more great years with Kwille!

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