August 17, 2010

Hello World!!

Well here goes, my very first blog... I hope I can entertain you bloggers out there or at least keep the haters at bay.
Here are few things I hope to entertain you with:
Fun Crafty Projects
Interior Decorating Projects - my house has become the guinea pig for this
Tales of my life as Kwille's Wife
For starters, let me introduce you to my family...

Taken at a pub in Kilarney, Ireland of my hunk of burnin' love: Kwille

Kwille and I have been together since February 13, 2008.
We were married on August 30, 2009 on Smather's Beach in Key West.

Kwille and Kwille's Wife's love child: Boone Warren

Boone is our  1year old bloodhound/coonhound mix. I drove three hours to Northeast Missouri to pick him up on Halloween last year. Boone is named after Daniel Boone (Kwille's idea), I however think Kwille has a secret passion for Pat Boone (Moody River anyone?). Boone's middle name Warren comes from Something About Mary - you know "Franks and Beans" (my idea).

Random Thought: Something about Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go makes me want to jump up out of my cubicle and start dancing...

Peace out
-Kwille's Wife

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