September 13, 2010

Power Plant: 3 out of 10 Sprouts Ain't Too Bad

Well here we are two weeks later and out of the 5 parsley seeds I planted in the Power Plant, only 3 have sprouted and are actually starting to grow. The 5 basil seeds I planted started to sprout... then dried up...then molded.  (Note in the picture: Mold is on the left side of the nutrient sponge)

You may be thinking "this is not a good sign Kwille's wife, you should start over" or "throw the stupid thing away, hydroponics is for fools". Actually this is the best "crop" I've had so far since Kwille got this for me in April.  I'll keep forging ahead and hopefully I will be having a homemade meal with my three sprigs of parsley soon!

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